The speech for which Masauko Chipembere was charged and convicted of sedition in 1961 and served jail for two years at Zomba prison.

"...We have taken our country and it is as a result of our own fight. Let no bloody mzungu fool you into believing that this self-government is the result of European generosity or of the ministers. It is not! It isn't!
So for this self-government, don't thank anybody in Britain, don't thank anybody in Europe or Zomba. Thank your own spirit of violence.
We do not accept Europeans as kind people. If they claim they are kind or Christian people, tell them that they are damned liars, bloody liars!...
The Europeans claim to be our brothers but only last year (during the state of emergency) they were murdering us- our brothers here in Rumphi boma...
...Our people have been murdered by the same people (Europeans) who claim to have come here (Nyasaland) to preach the word of God to us.
Do you preach the word of God to people by murdering people?
These people (Europeans) came and claiming that they came to educate and civilise us. Do you civilise people, do you educate people by murdering them?
They (Europeans) claim they came here to fight ignorance and diseases, to reduce death. Do you reduce death by imposing even more death?
What shall we say about a mentally deranged lunatic who says he has come to prevent deaths and murders fifty people in one month?
_(Crowd: No!)_
Can we accept them as brothers?
_(Crowd: No!)_
...You find many Europeans coming to African verandahs at night. If he (European) does come to your verandah in darkness, just urinate on him. He has no business to be there at night.
If he asks brotherhood and says he loves Africans and wants to work under Africans, say where were you yesterday? Remind him that only two or three years ago he was refusing to speak together with you he was refusing to allow you you buy from his shops, he was refusing to sit together with you in any place. Why does he want your company now?
Yesterday, I was smelling with this dark skin of mine. Today, am I sweet because I have self-government?...we are black. A black state and in that black state, only black men will govern...Any nonsense from Europeans and they will have hell from us.
If they try to obstruct the laws that we intend to make, then then you will hear soon after our arrival in Zomba that there is a fire in that town...
...You see, some of us are rather spoilt now. Without a fight, we loose health and grow not be deceived by this beautiful smile of ours. We are dangerous and terrible people.
As we stand here, our hearts are full of fury. Our hearts and heads are full of blood. We feel like doing something in vengeance against what Europeans did to us...personally, as I came out of Gwero prison, I had a good mind to ask my friends of Malawi Congress Party that we should slaughter one thousand Europeans here. I had a good mind to propose that we should slaughter one thousand innocent European vengeance for the men who had killed our men...
...Give me the living body of Michael blackwood to tear to pieces. I will do the job in two minutes...”
_To be continued_...