Part V.
Some of the most compelling evidence brought to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa came in the form of Portuguese-language intelligence documents given to Patta by a non-South African intelligence source.
These documents revealed a plot between South Africa, Malawi, and elements within Mozambique to kill Machel. The documents provided details about SADF Chief Magnus Malan flying to Malawi to discuss with Malawian authorities at the Limbe Leaf Tobacco plantation the details of the plot to murder Machel, including specific plans to tamper with Machel’s aircraft, and mentioning a Zambian pilot ‘who tampered with the aircraft in Zambia’.
Under the pretexts of conducting diplomacy on behalf of the State Security Council and private business, apartheid Security Branch agent Craig Williamson repeatedly travelled to Malawi and Mozambique between 1984 and October 1986; by 1986, Williamson had joined SADF Military Intelligence’s highly secretive Directorate for Covert Collections.
Williamson also mentioned a Malawian pilot named Frankson Gzambo, recruited in Zambia by the apartheid Security Branch, who was chief of accident investigation in the Malawian Directorate of Civil Aviation during this period. The Portuguese-language documents further listed Malawian military officers involved in the plot, and also implicated a cast of the apartheid regime’s most notorious counterinsurgency operators: Magnus Malan, Eugene De Kock, Craig Williamson, and Wouter Basson.
Finally, the Portuguese-language documents also mentioned that the Malawian intelligence service had appointed agent James Kampinga to serve as an intermediary with Israel’s foreign intelligence service, the Mossad.
Under the guise of a holding company, the Mossad then brought components of the decoy beacon to the South Africans which the SADF assembled at its secret EMLC arms lab.
Daniel L. Douek (2017) New light on the Samora Machel assassination: ‘I realized that it was no accident’, Third World Quarterly, 38:9, 2045-2065, DOI: 10.1080/01436597.2017.1323550
Link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01436597.2017.1323550