I don’t want to hide my feelings, Mr. Speaker.
Iam looking forward to the day when this country will be organised that there will be no opposition at all and all of us will be sitting like real mphara. (Interjection: There is no opposition! No opposition!).
There is no opposition, I agree, But Iam looking forward to the day when we shall remove even the traces of opposition…(Laughter)… and all of us Mr Speaker, will be in the real munthu’s mphara (Laughter).
When I say this, Mr Speaker, actually I don’t want to be misunderstood, that perhaps we want to become the sort of dictator that will be oblivious of the needs of our people. Not at all. Iam only saying that the type of political machinery we have is the only machinery that can bring stability.
After all, Mr Speaker, to answer those who criticise us of having a dictatorship, there is nothing wrong with dictatorship.
There is stability in Heaven because there is no other leader except Mulungu…(Laughter)…and there is chaos in hell because there are to many bickering.
You know Mr Speaker that when God created the world he made it quite clear that he was going to be the boss and that when Lucipher decided he was going to oppose, he was warned on several occasion (Laughter).
This was because God did not want opposition. He fully realised that if he had too many people to consult and be angry about, there would be no stability at all (Laughter).
This is an indication that there is absolutely nothing wrong with dictatorship, and therefore, if we, through the Malawi Congress Party, establish a dictatorship here, we can only be described as the loyal servants of God and therefore fulfilling the purpose for which he created us (Applause).