In this week’s Episode 3 of Mwanza ‘war’, Frank Jiya dwells on the struggle against Dr Banda after the Mwanza ‘war’ of October 1967 to 14 June 1993 when finally Dr Banda conceded popular demand (through referendum) to reinstate multi-party democracy.
Frank Jiya who survived the Mwanza ‘war’ and successfully escaped back to exile with George Kanyanya and others, explains how Dr Banda finally succumbed to pressure for change and extended an olive branch directly to Frank Jiya and others to freely return home and work together to implement the change that masses had demanded, which was essentially the very cause for which the Mwanza 16 took up arms to fight against Dr Banda regime in October 1967
In October 1967, Frank Jiya along side George Kanyanya retreated from battle fields of Mwanza ‘war’ into Mozambique by foot and returned back home to Malawi flying in a plane in July 1993 in company of George Kanyanya again as the surviving combatants of Mwanza ‘war.’
George Kanyanya later served in President Bakili Muluzi’s cabinet.